2021: Ongoing studies and developments at Akima School
We thank God for the favor and good health. We are now back to school and learning is ongoing on well. Our top priority your child's health. We learn under the strict guidance of the Ministry of Health Covid-19 protocols to ensure that by the end of each and every day, our students have learnt
Seven guidelines for home studying during the covid-19 pandemic
During this challenging time, when people around the world are finding themselves locked at home for weeks, things have to be done differently. You may be home by yourself or y our siblings who are schooling. Study preparations for an exam like the KCPE will need an adjustment to allow you to fully focus. Before
In The Wake of Corona Virus Threat, Does No school mean No study?
The world at large is experiencing a tough time trying to fight off this epidemic virus – COVID-19 that is a big threat. Some countries more affected than others have resulted to closing down all movements to limit the risk of spreading it further. This means most schools have been closed indefinitely including our very
Benefits of Proper Sleep In School Going Children
Sleep is beneficial to every one of us –both children and grown-ups alike! We may not precisely grasp what it does for us, but we know that it makes our days better and brighter. But what kind of sleep do children need to get this better day? Quality sleep plays a significant role in the
Magical Words of Encouragement That Shape The Life Of Children
Words have a way of shaping a child’s future! If you don’t believe it, look into your life and see what has shaped who you are today. We are formed by the default that we grow up in. What we say to children when young will stay with them throughout their life. These memories are
Technology Is The Best Thing That Has Happened To Us But It Can Become The Worst Enemy Too
21st Century has introduced all of us to some level of new technology that we are either enjoying or loathing. Today’s children are introduced to technology before they even learn how to talk. Every day, they are overwhelmed with choices of what to do with the technology that is easily availed to them without much
Significant Support That Every child Needs To Excel In School
In the present years, children join school rather too young than the olden days. They leave home as early as 2-3 years and join their peers in school without a slight idea of what is needed of them. The best school in Nairobi and its environs who are receiving these children have had to carry
Digital learning at Akima School
Digital learning is any type of learning that is accompanied by technology or by instructional practice that makes effective use of technology. It is no longer the future but the present. At Akima we are at the forefront of making sure all our students are equipped with digital skills which will shape their success
25/1/2010 – Competency Based Curriculum Open Day
The competency based curriculum emphasizes more on knowledge, practical skills and attitudes to be applied by learners. For it to be a success there has to be partnership and collaboration between parents and teachers. On Saturday 25th Jan 2020 Akima team took parents through CBC and digital learning. Call us or visit us for enquiries