Naturally, children love playing.  A child who does not play always raises concern from the caregiver or a teacher.  In their developmental stages, play time is one of the best moments a child has to discover and learn new things on their own.  Unfortunately, play time is usually minimized when a child joins school.

Being one of the best schools in Nairobi County, we have not been left behind in ensuring we provide an enjoyable and safe play time in our school.  We understand that the short breaks between lessons are not enough to allow a child to play enough.  Therefore, we have over the years introduced our children to extracurricular activities that allow them to enjoy play time to the maximum.

Out of these extracurricular activities, we have nurtured some of the finest talents out of the many children who have joined our school.  Our school motto “Give Your Best” does not just encourage our students to give their very best to their studies but also their play time.  Having diversified play time into various activities, our children are able to develop holistically and become the best both in and out of class.

Our extracurricular activities include: swimming, football, netball music, wildlife, scouting, debate and computer studies.  From experience, schools can be full of pressure to perform and emerge the best.  Here at Akima, we stand out as the best primary school in Nairobi County because we have learned the secret of balancing class work with outdoor games.

When children engage in other activities outside of the normal class timetable, they make use of energy that is not used in class therefore eliminating a high occurrence of obesity.   Health and wellness doctors and coaches advocate for play time not just for children but for adults as well.  For this reason, our teachers are fully involved in the activities that the children undertake both as trainers and as friends of the children.

Play time promotes major benefit to physical, mental, emotional and social well being.  Some of these major benefits include:

  • Boosting a healthy body by building muscle strength, improving heart and lung function as well as preventing diseases that are caused by high cholesterol.
  • Building a healthy brain by allowing the body to release hormones that aid in the development of neurons
  • Teaching self esteem and emotional intelligence by allowing children to relate with different situations, characters and attitudes that teach them to navigate through various social situations
  • Facilitating a teamwork attitude in children by learning how to create mutual goals together in order to overcome an obstacle or win as a team.
  • Boosting creativity in children and problem solving skills in children by allowing them to come up with creative ways to handle situations as they emerge without seeking for assistance at all times.

Remember all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.  At Akima, we ensure all dullness is eliminated by simple yet constructive activities. We participate in many extracurricular activities within our school and with our neighboring schools in order to cultivate a well balanced competitive spirit.

Call us or visit us for enquiries and feedback

Location: Northern Bypass at Thome Estate
Tel: 0720 997489, 0795 151603